TB-CERT ชี้สถาบันการเงินโดนภัยไซเบอร์หนักสุด พร้อมจับมือหน่วยงานยกระดับป้องกัน

1. CSR Club-The Thai Bankers’ Association

Chairman: Mr. Suwit Indrachalerm (Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited)
Coordinator: Mr. Suphawat Maseng

Objectives: This club is established with the approval of its members to carry out corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities consistent with the operations of the Thai Bankers’ Association as follows

  • To exchange information and experiences among members regarding CSR activities
  • To promote knowledge and understanding of social expectations and directions of CSR activities, especially those of Thai banks
  • To promote cooperation among members in organizing impactful and unified CSR activities
  • To serve as a center for gathering information and news about members’ CSR activities and collaborative activities for public dissemination, as well as to receive feedback to improve CSR activities to meet social expectations.
  • To represent the Thai Bankers’ Association in coordinating with organizations related to CSR.
  • To propose guidelines for developing social responsibility of Thai banks to the Thai Bankers' Association for further consideration
  • Not to operate or participate in any activities related to politics.

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2. Banking Information Technology Club

Chairman: Ms. Suteera Sripaibulya (Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited)
Coordinator: Ms. Sampantanee Apaipan

Objectives: This club is established

  • To support the operations of the Thai Bankers’ Association in information technology
  • To develop the country’s banking information technology system
  • To exchange information technology information among organization
  • To promote academic knowledge and new technologies
  • To promote cooperation and good relationships among information technology units of various institutions, as well as to provide assistance and suggestions in solving information technology issues.
  • To serve as a center for coordinating with information technology organizations both domestic and abroad

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3. SMEs Banking Development Club Under The Thai Bankers’ Association

Chairman: Mr. Than Siripokee (Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited)
Coordinator: Ms. Supada Ruttanapong

Objectives: This club is established

  • To support the operations of the Thai Bankers’ Association
  • To serve as a sounding board and represent the Association with government and private agencies related to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) on behalf of the Association.
  • To support the exchange of information (database sharing), various bodies of knowledge related to assisting SMEs among member banks.
  • To collaborate among member banks to develop sustainable SME banking growth.
  • To jointly develop management knowledge and tools for SMEs to help prepare SMEs for greater access to funding.
  • To provide opinions on banking and financial measures to assist SMEs in various relevant situations.

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4. ACI Thailand Club

Chairman: Mr. Paisarn Lertkowit (Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited)
Coordinator: Ms. Kristsanee Disapad

Objectives: This club is established

  • To support the operations of the Thai Bankers’ Association in accordance with strategies, plans and various activities, as well as to perform assigned tasks.
  • To prepare reports on operating results for the Thai Bankers’ Association, annual income statements or profit and loss statements of the club
  • To hold executive committee meetings to promote cooperation among member banks and jointly develop Thailand’s financial markets.
  • To hold annual general meetings to elect the club’s executive committee.

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5. Compliance Club

Chairman: Mr. Kittichai Singha (Bank of Ayudhya Public Company Limited)
Coordinatior: Ms. Chutiporn Jiranansuroj

Objectives: This club is established

  • To support the operations of the Thai Bankers’ Association and promote compliance governance standards for members to comply with legal and regulatory requirements as well as principles of supervisory agencies regulating banks, as effective regulatory compliance aligned with good corporate governance principles helps enhance sustainable bank performance and appropriately manage compliance risks.

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6. Fraud Management Club

Chairman: Pongpichet Nananukool (Kasikorn Bank Public Company Limited)
Coordinator: Mr. Warat Attanandana

Objectives: This club is established

  • To support the operations of the Thai Bankers’ Association and manage fraud issues occurring in financial institutions.
  • To exchange information among club members and share fraud prevention and detection management information for all transactions of financial institutions and banks to prevent fraud damages.
  • To promote academic knowledge and new techniques in fraud prevention
  • To promote cooperation and good relationships among club members
  • To provide information, status reports, and recommendations to the Thai Bankers’ Association and related agencies to align fraud prevention with ongoing situations.
  • To coordinate with domestic and foreign fraud-related organizations
  • To serve as a center for gathering information and news as well as communicating knowledge to government agencies and the general public to build customer and public confidence.

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7. ATM Services Business Club

Chairman: Mr. Kitipong Muttamara (Krungthai Bank Public Company Limited)
Coordinator: Ms. Manisa Rueangsri

Objectives: This club is established

  • To develop the country’s ATM and debit card businesses in accordance with government and private sector policies
  • To exchange information on ATM and debit card businesses among member banks
  • To promote academic knowledge and modern techniques for more efficient management
  • To promote cooperation and good relationships among members of the ATM Club
  • To provide opinions and recommendations to the Thai Bankers’ Association as well as related agencies regarding solutions and policy formulation for ATM and debit card businesses to cope with situations and the country’s financial landscape.
  • To serve as a coordination center on technical and operational aspects of domestic and overseas ATM and debit card business services, including coordinating with related organizations
  • To promote ethical and standardized ATM and debit card business operations among member banks

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8. Credit Card Club

Chairman: Mr. Atis Ruchirawat Ayudhya Capital Services Co., Ltd.
Coordinator: Ms. Apsorn Suttaroj

Objectives: This club is established

  • To develop the country’s credit card business
  • To exchange credit data of cardholders and merchants accepting credit cards
  • To promote academic knowledge and modern management techniques for higher efficiency
  • To promote cooperation and good relationships among institutions providing credit card services
  • To provide opinions and recommendations to the Thai Bankers’ Association and related agencies regarding solutions and policy formulation for the credit card business to cope with situations and the country’s financial landscape.
  • To serve as a center for coordinating with domestic and overseas organizations related to the credit card business.

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9. International Banking Club

Acting Chairman: Mr. Settarat Na-Nakorn (Kasikorn Bank Public Company Limited)
                          : Ms. Suchanee.lavanavanija (Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited)
Coordinator: Ms. Monruedee Teerarungruang

Objectives: The Club is established

  • To support the operations of Thai Bankers’ Association regarding foreign business
  • To promote cooperation and good relationships among member banks
  • To support technical and scientific research in foreign business
  • To disseminate and exchange useful information for the operations of Thai Bankers’ Association
  • To enhance knowledge and work efficiency of member banks
  • To be the center in coordinating technical works and operations in providing international business transaction service

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10. Banking Lawyers Club

Chairman: Mr. Thitivorn Chothayaphorn (Bank of Ayudhya Public Company Limited)
Coordinator: K. Jitti Wijitbanjong

Objectives: The Club is established

  • To support the operations of the Thai Bankers’ Association and research legal information to assist member banks in complying appropriately with legal requirements, announcements, regulations, orders, and guidelines from governmental bodies or institutions overseeing banks.

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11. Valuation Executive Club The Thai Bankers’ Association

Chairman: Mr. Prathin Kijjaruwankul (Kiatnakin Phatra Bank Public Company Limited)
Coordinator: Mr. Thammanun Harnprasitkam

Objectives: The Club is established

  • To support the operations of Thai Bankers’ Association, to be the center in gathering information and exchanging knowledge regarding appraisal work, as well as promote good relationships among members.

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12. Banking Accountant Club

Chairman: Ms. Oranuch Nampoolsuksan (Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited)
Coordinator: Ms. Roongratt Ratanarajchartikul

Objectives: The Club is established

  • To support the operations of Thai Bankers’ Association
  • To cooperate among practitioners of accounting at Thai commercial banks regarding compliance with the accounting standards on "Disclosure in the Financial Statements of Banks and Similar Financial Institutions" and "Foreign Currency Translation" as well as to comply with laws, announcements, and orders from governmental authorities.
  • To exchange information and technology and information technology in accounting operations
  • To provide opinions and suggestions to Thai Bankers’ Association and related agencies regarding problem solving and determining financial reporting policies compatible with domestic economic and financial situations and image of financial institutions.
  • To be the center in coordinating with both domestic and foreign organizations related to bank accounting systems in developing Thailand as a financial center (B.I.B.Fs).
  • To promote cooperation and good relationships among Thai banks providing services to the public.

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13. Thai Banker’s Association’s Economic Analysis Club

Chairman: Dr. Phacharaphot Nuntramas (Krungthai Bank Public Company Limited)
Coordinator: Dr. Chamadanai Maknual

Objectives: The Club is established

  • To support the operations of Thai Bankers’ Association
  • To be the knowledge hub and promote economic roles under The Thai Bankers’ Association
  • To provide a forum to express opinions and exchange perspectives on the economy, finance and other aspects that may impact the economy and bank operations, leading to common conclusions as the Club's perspectives.
  • To present concluded perspectives from analysis of economic situations and outlook including assessment of impacts from various policies or measures to The Thai Bankers’ Association
  • To be The Thai Bankers’ Association's representatives to provide economic perspectives in committees or working groups that Thai Bankers’ Association takes responsibility for and at various economic forums as well as disseminate through public media for the benefits of government and private sectors.
  • To regularly disseminate and exchange useful information regarding the economy among member banks.
  • To strengthen good relationships among banks' economic analyst teams to have concrete connectivity and enhance the Club's potential.

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14. Banking Information Technology Risk Club

Chairman: Ms. Pornvalai Kulrojseth (Krungthai Bank Public Company Limited)
Coordinator: -

Objectives: The Club is established

  • To support the operations of The Thai Bankers’ Association regarding information technology risk management and cyber threats
  • To exchange information and news on information technology risk management among risk management, governance, and audit units
  • To promote academic knowledge and new technology regarding information technology risk management
  • To promote cooperation and good relationships among information technology risk management units of various institutions as well as provide assistance and suggestions in solving information technology risk management issues.
  • To be the center in coordinating with domestic and foreign organizations related to information technology risk management.
  • To be the center in determining guidelines for governance practices compliant with the 3 Lines of Defense

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15. Banking & Financial Institution Internal Auditors Club

Chairman: Ms. Puntipa Hannoraseth (Bank of Ayudhya Public Company Limited)
Coordinator: Ms. Tippawan Bannajirakul

Objectives: The Club is established

  • To support the operations of The Thai Bankers’ Association and manage fraud issues occurring at financial institutions.
  • To exchange news among Club members and information on audit management and fraud prevention in all transactions of banking and financial institutions to prevent damage from fraud.
  • To promote academic knowledge and new techniques in fraud prevention
  • To promote cooperation and good relationships among Club members
  • To present information, situation reports and provide suggestions to The Thai Bankers’ Association and related agencies for fraud prevention compatible with occurring situations.
  • To coordinate with domestic and foreign organizations related to fraud.
  • To be the center in gathering information and communicating knowledge to both government and private sectors in order to build customer and public confidence.

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16. The Society of Bank Branch Executives Club

Chairman: Ms. Waranee Wanrat (TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited)
Coordinator: Ms. Sunisa Netsawang

Objectives: The Club is established

  • To support the operations of The Thai Bankers’ Association and enhance good relationships among member banks as well as coordinate cooperation among banks as follows:
  • Develop guidelines for correct branch administration practices compliant with rules, regulations, and mandates of governing agencies.
  • Enhance good relationships among provincial bank clubs, cash center management clubs and ICAS check-related work.
  • Promote knowledge sharing and exchange information, management experience as well as determine similar fraud prevention and problem-solving guidelines.

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17. Cash Center Managers Club

Acting Chairman: Ms. Jeerana Ramasoot (Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited)
Coordinator: Ms. Natchanok Aryukong

Objectives: The Club is established

  • To support the operations of The Thai Bankers’ Association
  • To be the center in exchanging information and perspectives regarding cash management among member banks
  • To enhance good relationships among member banks in operations of Bank of Thailand Note Processing Centers and cash center operations of all commercial banks and specialized financial institutions.
  • To serve as a central hub for coordinating the development of a new banknote management system.
  • To promote beneficial actions or activities for cash center operations of commercial banks, specialized financial institutions, and the society

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18. Human Resources Development Club

Chairman: Dr. Vasin Udomratchatavanich Bank of Ayudhya Public Company Limited
Coordinator: Ms. Manduan Aeambunapong

Objectives: The Club is established

  • To support personnel training and development operations of The Thai Bankers’ Association
  • To promote cooperation and good relationships among member banks
  • To exchange useful personnel training and development information for member banks
  • To enhance quality and ethics of trainers and human resource developers
  • To promote personnel development profession to meet standards
  • To conduct activities for the benefit of members as well as enhance the public image of the Club

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19. Personal Loan Club Thai Bank Association

Chairman: Mr. Sant Thaosuwan (Bank of Ayudhya Public Company Limited)
Coordinator: Ms. Wasunthree Tri-utok

Objectives: The Club is established

  • To exchange information among Club members and data managing.
  • To promote academic knowledge, laws, rules, regulations, and new techniques to enhance overall efficiency in business operations of Club members.
  • To promote cooperation and good relationships among Club members
  • To present information, situation reports and provide related suggestions to The Thai Bankers’ Association and related agencies to be compatible with occurring situations.
  • To collaborate with various organizations, both domestic and international.
  • To be the center in gathering and communicating knowledge regarding personal loan business to government and public sectors in order to build customer and public confidence.
  • Establishment/dissolution/merger of the Club and charter amendments must be approved by The Thai Bankers’ Association
  • Club plans must be aligned with the strategic plans of The Thai Bankers’ Association

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20. Banking NPA Club Under The Thai Bankers Association

Chairman: Mr. luesak Sukasem (Krungthai Bank Public Company Limited)
Coordinator: Ms. Nipaporn Daokhanon

Objectives: The Club is established

  • To develop ATM and debit card services in the country compatible with government and private sector policies
  • To exchange information regarding ATM and debit card services among member banks
  • To promote academic knowledge and modern techniques for more efficient management
  • To promote cooperation and good relationships among ATM and debit card service members
  • To provide opinions and suggestions to The Thai Bankers’ Association and related agencies regarding problem solving and determining policies related to ATM and debit card services compatible with domestic economic and financial situations.
  • To be the center in coordinating technical operations and services of domestic and foreign ATM and debit card businesses including coordinating with related organizations
  • To promote ethical and standardized operations among member banks

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ธรรมาภิบาล (Governance)

ธรรมาภิบาล(Governance) : มีระบบการกำกับดูแลกิจการที่ดี และดำเนินการกำกับดูแลได้อย่างมีประสิทธิผลในระดับคณะกรรมการ โดยกำหนดภาระและขอบเขตความรับผิดชอบที่ชัดเจนในระดับการจัดการในเรื่องที่เกี่ยวกับสิ่งแวดล้อม สังคม และธรรมาภิบาล

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ยุทธศาสตร์ (Strategy)

ยุทธศาสตร์ (Strategy) : บูรณาการพันธกิจด้านสิ่งแวดล้อม สังคม และธรรมาภิบาล เข้ากับยุทธศาสตร์การดำเนินธุรกิจและกำหนดกรอบด้านการเงินที่ยั่งยืน โดยสนับสนุนเพื่อให้ประเทศสามารถเปลี่ยนผ่านไปสู่เป้าหมายการปล่อยก๊าซเรือนกระจกสุทธิเป็นศูนย์ได้อย่างราบรื่น

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การบริหารความเสี่ยงด้านสิ่งแวดล้อม สังคมและธรรมาภิบาล (ESG Risk Management)

การบริหารความเสี่ยงด้านสิ่งแวดล้อม สังคมและธรรมาภิบาล (ESG Risk Management) : ผนวกรวมประเด็นด้านสิ่งแวดล้อม สังคม และธรรมาภิบาล ไว้ในกระบวนการบริหารความเสี่ยง

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ผลิตภัณฑ์ทางการเงิน (Financial Products)

ผลิตภัณฑ์ทางการเงิน(Financial Products) : ปรับใช้เทคโนโลยีดิจิทัลเพื่อส่งเสริมการเข้าถึงบริการทางการเงิน รวมทั้งนวัตกรรมทางการเงินที่เป็นมิตรต่อสิ่งแวดล้อมและยั่งยืน

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การสื่อสาร (Communication)

การสื่อสาร (Communication) : สื่อสารและประสานความร่วมมือกับผู้มีส่วนได้เสียทุกภาคส่วนในการสร้างจิตสำนึกสาธารณะด้านสิ่งแวดล้อม สังคม และธรรมาภิบาล

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การเปิดเผยข้อมูลทางการเงิน (Disclosure)

การเปิดเผยข้อมูลทางการเงิน (Disclosure) : พัฒนาระบบการติดตามและการรายงานที่สอดคล้องกับกรอบการกำกับดูแลของประเทศไทยและมาตรฐานการเปิดเผยข้อมูลด้านความยั่งยืนในระดับสากล

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