Thai Bank Chip Card Scheme

Thai Bank Chip Card Scheme


The Bank of Thailand (BOT) has a policy to establish Thai chip card standards in order to enhance the security of chip card usage and transactions. Therefore, setting standards for chip cards, card specifications, and supporting device specifications to meet Thai standards is very important for improving the country's payment system standards. This helps develop financial services to meet international standards, especially for electronic payments that will be widely accepted in the future.

Objectives for Establishing the Thai Bank Chip Card Scheme (TBCC)

  1. To serve as an organization for establishing policies, proposing regulations, and operating procedures to the Thai Bankers' Association Board in order to have a common central standard for the TBCC, building confidence for interoperability in payment services and ensuring compliance with Sub License Agreement (SLA) conditions. )
  2. To consider various technologies to be adopted and improve payment system standards for use with Thai TBCC standards.
  3. To serve as a hub for cooperation and coordination with technology and payment system organizations to promote academic and emerging technological knowledge.
  4. To serve as an organization for considering any issues arising from non-compliant usage of TBCC standards with the SLA conditions.
  5. To provide opinions for agencies or organizations requesting to use the TBCC for submission to the Payment Systems Office (PSO) of the Thai Bankers' Association Board for consideration in approving membership for usage.